The essence of Divine Life, of which the body is the avatar for experiencing reality.
Q. What is Reality?
Potentiality actualized; a virtual projection of individual and collective dreams.
Q. What is the Shadow Self?
The censored potentiality of Divine Life, of which the boundless imagination is its own prison — the Villain’s Shadow is the Hero, and the Hero’s Shadow is the Villain.
Q. Who am I?
The voice(s) speaking within.
Q. What am I?
The intention(s) within.
Q. Whence do my inner voice(s) and intention(s) arise?
Personal subscriptions to whatsoever “i” consume.
Q. Why does my external persona wage war against the voice(s) and intention(s) within?
The persona is only a worn mask for the character I choose to act as, like the uniform worn by a soldier. When my internal and external worlds agree with each other, I am being true to my Self.
Q. How is my character created?
Whatsoever “i” consume “I” shall become, for the “i” forms its Self according to its own nature, and conceals its life behind a mask/persona.
Q. What is Soul/Self Actualization?
The possession of one’s heaven within and the manifestation of one’s heaven without.
Q. Do Soul/Self Actualized persona(s) exist anymore?
Not in the proper sense, since more than 90% of our Human Race is passively reflecting their “parental” collective(s) as individual members of one body and Super-ego (concealed behind a unitary shared mask/persona), and less than 10% are actively existing as symbolic “parental” representative(s) of their own personal collective(s).
Q. How does the “i” become fixed in its collective identity?
Via family union baptism; a dying to self identity and a reclothing of the “i” under the collective’s identity. For this reason, marriage is a new birthing of the “i” — the two shall merge and become one “I” — as it was in the beginning during one’s natural birth.
Q. When does the “i” become fixed in its collective identity?
After one complete lifecycle of synchronicity within the collective.
Q. Can the “i” be reformed and refashioned after becoming fixed in its collective identity?
Yes, after one complete lifecycle of separation from the collective. For this reason it is not good for anyone to remain alone, for they shall only have the void to merge with.
Q. When is my True Self revealed?
During the stripping away of all of the artificial elements of one’s personal social framework, either in ego death or in final death, until nature is all that remains — the perfect universal mirror. (Those who’ve refused to retire their masks before the changing of times might be in for a total shock on judgment day. But those who’ve allowed Lady Wisdom to instruct them according to the proper times and seasons for a life of purpose and wholeness shall freely enter the Janus Gate … for they judge not their neighbors, neither do they judge themselves.)
Q. What is the Janus Gate?
It is the eye of the needle; the doorway into your Soul’s very own Garden of Eden.
Q. What is Home?
The Center of the Self; your Soul’s very own Garden of Eden.
Q. What is a Family?
Any collective that sticks together through thick and thin … to the death.
Q. What is my Neighbor?
A divine reflection of my Self.
Q. What is Reality??
Potentiality actualized; a virtual projection of individual and collective dreams.
What is “the Game of games?”
The Universal Kingdom of Heaven, to which all other games are subject.
Who are the players?
Those on the Right play as the carriers of a traditional Kingdom, and those on the Left play as the catalysts for a liberal Kingdom.
Q. What is “the System?”
An idol factory that reforms and refashions the “i” into its own impressionable image and likeness.
Q. What is jail?
A system created by the church and state; purgatory; a waiting place between heaven and hell.
Q. What is Hell?
The bottomless prison of the soul, mind and body of which the Holocaust is the end.
Q. What is Heaven?
Soul/Self Actualization … boundless within and without.
Q. What is Eternal Life?
Offspring; Self-succession.
Q. What is the ‘‘‘Christ’’’ archetype?
Day and Night, Sun and Moon, Angel of Life and Angel of Death, Savior and Destroyer, Light and Shadow — “May the Lord shine His face upon thee….”
Q. What is the ‘‘‘Devil’’’ archetype?
The Wrath of G*D concealed — No better friend, no worse enemy.
Q. What is the ‘‘‘Satan’’’ archetype?
It’s the fallen Christ, the accuser of the guilty — politically symbolic of the State’s Attorney.
Q. What is the ‘‘‘Joker’’’ archetype?
The Voice within that says, ‘‘‘THERE IS NO GOD!’’’
Q. What is the ‘‘‘Lucifer’’’ archetype?
The Bringer of Light who shines the way … in the Shadow of the Almighty.
Q. What is the ‘‘‘Angel of Death’’’ archetype?
A Christo-theophanic incarnation of Exodus 12:23 & Revelation 19:11-16.
Q. What is the ‘‘‘ALL*¹’’’ archetype?
It is the universal body that rises as one united machine and Holy Spirit, archetypically reflected in society during times of natural disasters, when what matters not are personal doctrinal differences, but rather our common salvation … as “1” Nation … under G*D.
Q. What’s a good principle to live by?
Become the change you want to see in the universe; and a second, do unto others as you would want them to do unto you, unless they insist otherwise; and a third, No One Gets Left Behind!
Q. What is the main difference between the work patterns of the “Old” and “New” Testaments?
In the old, one must undergo the same sacrifices … daily … for six days straight, and then enter only one day of rest. In the New, one now has the option to offer up one life sacrifice … once … and then enter the eternal sabbath.